NY & NJ - Vanquish Fat Removal Treatment
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Vanquish Fat Removal Treatment


Are you in relatively decent shape, but looking to shed a few stubborn pounds, without the risks of surgery? A well-toned body is difficult to maintain, even with the perfect diet and exercise routine. Someone in good shape may still have love handles, a pooched midsection or flabby upper-arms and/or legs. We’re happy to have the perfect solution for your weight-loss problems.

Advanced Dermatology proudly features Vanquish as a safe and effective weight-loss solution to help you reach your fitness and health goals. The FDA-approved fat reduction machine utilizes radio controlled frequency to melt away subcutaneous fat. We utilize this advanced technology to safely target individual regions of fat cells, permanently ridding the toxins from your body.

Each session lasts as short as thirty minutes, our cosmetic dermatologist will help you determine the treatment plan best suited for you. Advanced Dermatology is excited to offer the Vanquish Fat Removal Treatment as a way to help you feel more confident about yourself.

Benefits of Vanquish

  • Naturally acquire a slimmer figure
  • Painless procedure with zero down-time
  • No scars or surgery
  • Ideal for various skin and color types

Before, During and After your Vanquish Treatment

  • Before: Our cosmetic dermatologist will consult with you to determine ideal treatment areas. Once you’re an approved candidate for Vanquish, our office provides you with preparation information. Prior to treatment we ask patient to consume eight glasses of water to maximize results.
  • During: As the dermatologist passes the device over your treatment areas, you may feel a slight warming sensation, similar to a heating pad. Our expert surgeon utilizes an oscillating fan so your body remains dry during the Vanquish treatment. The procedure lasts about thirty minutes, during which we allow you to relax and feel completely comfortable in our serene environment.
  • After: Since the Vanquish machine utilizes heat, your body’s core temperature is raised during the procedure. After treatment you’ll feel relaxed and may experience slight redness and warmth in the treatment areas. This will subside within just a few days. Right after Vanquish you can go back to work, the gym or class. We recommend you stay hydrated to continuously flush the fat-cells from your body.

Why choose Advanced Dermatology?

With thousands of confident customers in the New York and New Jersey areas, Advanced Dermatology proudly remains at the forefront of modern technology. Our cosmetic surgeons are extensively trained in all of the latest skin tightening and weight-loss procedures. We can successfully treat both upper and lower abdomen, flanks, lower and upper back, upper-arms, inner and outer thighs and man boobs. Advanced Dermatology is one of the only offices in the tri-state area qualified to perform this revolutionary procedure and we will provide you with optimal results.

Scheduling your Consultation

Are you looking to re-contour your body and enhance your physical appearance? Our team of experienced surgeons, cosmetic dermatologists and physicians have a quick solution for you. If you’re interested in the Vanquish Fat Removal Treatment and live in the New York/New Jersey area, please call our offices to schedule a consultation.



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